Sunday, January 18, 2009

nothing lasts forever. except maybe a letter or postcard.

I am currently spending my last Saturday night at home (because next weekend has been reserved for all of my loves in Chapel Hill)--a lovely evening with a home-cooked dinner and a movie with the family. While I only have ten more full days in the states, I have yet to feel any different. I must say, it has been extremely odd being at home while all of my friends are off commencing a new semester; but overall, it still feels like just another day at home. I am not quite sure when exactly I will feel any different. Maybe it will be the day I leave. Maybe it will be the first night in Fort Dauphin. But whenever I experience that first apprehensive feeling of "Oh shit, I am going to be living HERE for 4 months," I know that it will soon be followed by feelings of excitement and curiosity. What will I see? What will I do? Who will I meet? What IS THIS that I am eating?? And, being the person that I am, I know that I will be extremely sad to leave all of my friends and family behind. This experience will be the first time in my entire life that I will be venturing out on my own with everything and everyone foreign, unfamiliar, and unknown.
So, to keep in touch with all of you guys, I will be sure to write to you. Postcards, and letters in general, have always been magical to me. I have always loved reading a note, card, or letter from a friend or family member. And for this, I need addresses--so if you do love mail just as much as myself, be sure to leave your address as a comment to this post. And, if you find yourself bored on a Sunday afternoon, feel free to write a letter to me! I would love to hear from each and every one of you about what is going on back home. All letters, postcards, cards, or packages--if you are that awesome ;)--can be sent to me at the following address:

Erin Elizabeth Hester
s/o SIT
BP 283
Fort Dauphin 614

Much love,

erin elizabeth


KiP said...

Not only have I found you, but you are now in my Get Mail/RSS box. So all posts come to my inbox! I feel like a techie (....almost).
Love ya KiP

Amanda B. said...

hey girl! my address is:

4200 Helena Moriah Rd.
Rougemont, NC 27572

and i will definitely be sending you a letter or two :)


Jordan said...

Ah Erin I'll miss you! My address is

Jordan Teague
Everett 308
201 Raleigh Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Love you!